Functional Integration:
What do you want to learn?
Who do you want to be?
Where do you want to go?
How do you want to feel?
I accept clients for individual Feldenkrais lessons one on one all year round. Many people love the group class experience of Awareness through Movement (see the “Classes” link for more on this). However, there are times when individual sessions are more appropriate–for example, when you have a specific issue you are dealing with that may not get enough attention during a class, or when there may be conditions such as stroke or neurological challenges that need a lot of direct attention from both of us.
During a Functional Integration we may work on a table, on the floor, or in a chair. I use a combination of verbal guidance and touch to guide you through a lesson relevant to what you want to explore; however, touch is entirely optional and need not happen at all. Lessons can incorporate standing, sitting, or any movement or positions relevant to the theme being explored. For example, if you’re looking for help with a specific yoga posture or a dance move, or help with how to get around in your kitchen without falling, we build the entire lesson around what you are trying to do.
I’m a strong believer in “where the rubber hits the road,” meaning that I may give you homework and practical applications for putting the lesson into use in in everyday life. Sometimes it isn’t completely clear to us just how much we have to do on our own in order to get better. Feldenkrais is a very practical process, grounded in reality.
The process of a lesson is very gentle and safety is a priority. As this is educational and not therapeutic, there is no need to get undressed or use special equipment. A lesson lasts 60-75 minutes.
Sessions are $90 – $200 sliding scale.
Feel free to Contact Me with any questions you may have.