Hi there. Welcome to my website. I’m glad you came here to find something good and healing for yourself.
I’ve been studying and practicing healing for many years. You can enter your healing journey through any of the gateways listed below. Sessions are 90 minutes, cost $80 – $200 sliding scale (you pay what you can afford in that range) and can include any or all of the methods I am trained in.
I can also provide home services to those in need, such as elders or people limited by medical conditions. House calls are $100 – $200 sliding depending on distance traveled and subject to certain requirements.
Please do call, text, or email me with any questions you may have. 512 470 4268.
My healing skills include:
The Feldenkrais Method – most recently highlighted in Norman Doidge’s new book, The Brain’s Way of Healing.
Meditation practice – (I teach shamatha and tonglen as I have learned it within the Karma Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist tradition)
Counseling and EMDR – psychodynamically oriented talk therapy combined with trauma treatment.
The TARA Approach – an energy medicine system
Shamanism – journeying into the world of drums, dreams, visions, and sacred meaning.
You might be wondering what is the best for you. I would say to read through the pages here on each of these topics and see what feels right in your body, or what you feel drawn to, because wherever that is very likely the best place for us to start. It is not uncommon to enter in one area and then go into others as the healing process unfolds.
My office is located in the Bouldin area just south of downtown, zip code 78704. It’s accessible via car, scooter, bike, and bus fairly easily. I teach Feldenkrais classes near the intersection of Barton Springs and Mopac/Loop 1.
Thanks for visiting my page. If I have something that’s right for you I hope to hear from you. Feel free to contact me and ask any questions too.
In peace,
Elaine Dove